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How to Overcome the Troubles of Sensitive Teeth

sensitive teeth 1Sensitive teeth is truly a discomfort and can even be very painful especially when triggered by hot, cold, sweet or even sour food and drinks. At times, brushing and flossing can also worsen the condition. The occurrence of sensitive teeth is brought about by a number of reasons. One factor is when the dentin is exposed as caused by the thinning of the layers of the teeth called enamel. The dentin is a protective layer of the tooth which contains ultra-tiny openings known as tubules. These openings are responsible in transporting sensation from the surface of the tooth going into the nerve endings. When your teeth is exposed to something hot or cold, these nerve endings are stimulated producing pain or sensitivity.

While the anatomy of the tooth is one primary cause of sensitive teeth, there are also secondary factors which are known to cause this problem. These are stated below:

• Gum injury as caused by aggressive brushing of the teeth exposes the roots of within the teeth.
• Progressive periodontal disease can cause sensitive teeth because the damaged tissues expose the root surfaces of the teeth.
• Constant clenching or grinding of the teeth may wear down the enamel of the teeth and will eventually expose the dentin.
• Progressive tooth wear and tear as caused by poor oral hygiene and fluoride administration causes dentin vulnerability.
• Cavities that are unattended.
• Frequent intake of acidic food and drinks lead to tooth erosion.
• In some cases, teeth whitening and gum surgery cause sensitive teeth due to the exposure of the roots.

At this point, let us determine ways on how to combat sensitive teeth. Practice teeth therapy by following these guidelines:

Use a toothpaste which is intended for sensitive teeth.

Toothpastes that are specially designed for sensitive teeth contain compounds which help block sensations from traveling via the external part of the tooth going into the nerve. Toothpastes for sensitive teeth contain calcium phosphates, fluoride, potassium salts and sometimes strontium salts which inhibit pain and sensitivity and at the same time protect the teeth from food and drinks which are either hot or cold, sweet or sour.

Pay a visit to your family dentist.

When sensitive teeth cannot be treated by toothpaste and other forms of remedy, it is necessary to see a dentist. There are different solutions carried in treating sensitive teeth depending on the dentist’s diagnosis and evaluation. Some techniques include, fluoride gel application, desensitizing agent administration, use of bonding agents and varnish application. Dentists have gone through years of medical studies therefore, they know how to treat tooth problems considering its anatomy and physiology.

To prevent the occurrence of sensitive teeth, here are some tips:

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Carefully brush your teeth and gum line with a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent damage on the surface of the teeth and at the same time cause tenderness to the gum area.

Use fluoridated toothpaste.

Fluoride is the best chemical that prevents the formation of cavities. When it comes to sensitive teeth, it protects the teeth by hardening the enamel.

Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene

Excellent oral hygiene means brushing your teeth three times a day or every after meals. Cleaning the areas inside your mouth include the gum lining, tongue and teeth. By practicing appropriate brushing and flossing methods, the growth of germs and bacteria is prevented, making the teeth cleaner and stronger. Acid residue and food deposits are completely taken out of the mouth.

Be watchful of what you eat.

Be cautious of everything that you eat from the breakfast meals to break time snacks. Lessen the amount of extremely acidic food and drinks such as carbonated drinks, limes and lemon juices. Take note that over consumption of these liquids can break down the enamel of the teeth which will gradually lead to dentin exposure. This aggravates the sensitivity of the teeth and pain will eventually surface.

Sensitive teeth can be totally eliminated or prevented when you do the above sensitive teeth 2mentioned advice. You may not want to ruin your day or any special event in your life just because of this sensitive teeth issue. Keep all these guidelines in mind and consult with the best dentist in Melbourne CBD for the most accurate intervention.

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